"Naturdenkmal Spannagelhöhle"

unique marble cave

Important information and events

 Tour # 1 at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. 

open daily (closed on Monday)


important information:  

                Please wear winter-proof clothing and shoes, we also recommend to bring hiking poles with you.

more informations for the way to get to the cave and the weather conditions +43 5287 87251


"Fiery Cave Tour"


A great winter experience in the Zillertal Valley for the whole family


The "Fiery Cave" Tour includes

Tour through the Spannagel Cave wie a trained cave guide, followed by a fiery meat fondue in the Spannagelhaus and retur journey to Tuxer Fernerhaus at around 4 p. m. with the "Pistenbully" snowcat.



Interesting fact´s

The entrance to the cave was disovered in 1919 by Alois Hotter, the hut tenant at the time of the Spannagelhouse, and exploration of the cave began around 1960


In 1964, this unique cave and its surroundings were placed under natur conservation.


Throught the private initiative of the hut tenant Josef Klausner (1974-2003), part of the cave in the entrance area was opended to visitiors on July 1st 1994. Sightseeing tour through the unique marble show cave take place all year round under expert guidance.

guidet tours

Tour # 1

show cave tour

daily at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.

closed on monday


Cave map: green area


sure-footed and not claustrophobic


Adults € 22,50

Adults with guest ticket or "Zillertal Active Card" € 20,-

Children between 6 and 15 years € 14,-

(Minimum height 1,20 m)

Group rate:
from 15 paying persons 1 person is free


only cash or via paypal

Price valid from 15.10.2024

buy tickets online

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this ticket is valid during current opening times, please show us the, please show the confirmation 

Tour # 2

easy trekking tour

Cave map: red area

only by appointment



sportive trekking tour (without climbing)

Comparable to a Via Ferrata category B

2 hours

From the age of 14






Price per person € 78,-


only cash or via paypal

Price valid from 15.10.2024

Tour # 3

sporty trekking tour

Cave map:

red area leading to the grey area

only by appointment

very sportive trekking tour

Comparable to a Via Ferrata category C

3 hours 

From the age of 16






Price per person € 115,-


only cash or via paypal

Price valid from 15.10.2024

Änderungen vorbehalten:


  • bis 30.04.2025
    täglich Schauhöhlen-Führungen um 13 und 14 Uhr
    Montag Ruhetag
  • 1.05. bis 31.05.
    keine Führungen
  • 1.06. bis 15.09.
    täglich Schauhöhlen-Führungen:
    01. Juni bis 09. Juli um 11,12,13 und 14 Uhr 
    10. Juli bis 15. September um 10,11,12,13,14 und 15 Uhr 
  • 16. SEPTEMBER bis 14.Oktober 
    täglich Schauhöhlen-Führungen 
    um 12:00, 13:00 und 14:00 Uhr 



Trekkingtour 2 ganzjährig mit Voranmeldung

Trekkingtour 3 von 01. Juni bis 15. Oktober mit Voranmeldung




Familie Anfang

6293 Tux

T +43 5287 87251




Die Spannagelhöhle befindet sich am Hintertuxer Gletscher etwas unterhalb der Sektion II Tuxer Fernerhaus, direkt beim Spannagelhaus. Für die Auffahrt mit der Gletscherbahn und den Weg zur Höhle bitte 40 Minuten an Zeit einrechnen. Winterfeste Kleidung und Schuhe nötig!


ACHTUNG: Die Mitnahme von Hunden in die Höhle ist generell nicht erlaubt.